Fictionalised Politics: How politics and politicians are represented in the US and the UK
The module assesses changing attitudes to representative politics in the US and UK, specifically political parties and those who lead them, through their representation in films, plays and novels since the C19th.
How formal – party - politics is represented in films, novels, short stories, plays and television (note: in this module these five forms are covered by the term 'fiction') is an exciting and growing area of research. This is especially so in the US, but also (slowly but surely) in the UK. While the study of narrowly defined 'political' novels has a long lineage, it is only during the last decade or so that an interest in fictions expressed on the stage, screen and page has crept into more mainstream analysis.
Method and frequency of class: 1 x 1 hour lecture and 1 x 2 hour seminar per week
Activities may take place every teaching week of the Semester or only in
specified weeks. It is usually specified above if an activity only takes place
in some weeks of a Semester
Target Students: Undergraduate students from the School of Politics and International Relations and cognate Schools in the
Faculties of Arts and Law & Social Sciences. There is a limited number of
places on this module. Students are reminded that enrolments which are not
agreed by the Offering School in advance may be cancelled without notice. Available to JYA/Erasmus students.
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Offering School: Politics and International Relations