Browsing by Title
Now showing items 73-92 of 1246
Darwin for a day
As part of the University of Nottingham, School of Biology's 200 years of Darwin celebrations, evolutionary geneticist Professor John Brookfield in full Victorian attire delivered a talk, as Darwin, on the theory of ... -
Data - Exploring reliability and validity of responsible talk (Spain)
(The University of Nottingham, 2021-04-30)This is the raw data (quantitative) for a research on how teachers and students undertake collaborative talk in higher education contexts. -
Data associated with paper "Electric Field Induced Biomimetic Transmembrane Electron Transport using Carbon Nanotube Porins"
(The University of Nottingham, 2021-06-03)Data including raw data sets for the paper "Electric Field Induced Biomimetic Transmembrane Electron Transport using Carbon Nanotube Porins" -
Data Files for 'Microwave spectroscopy of radio frequency dressed $^{87}Rb$'
(The University of Nottingham, 2019-07-09)Data files as excel sheets for the journal article 'Microwave spectroscopy of radio frequency dressed $^{87}Rb$' (arXiv:1904.12073). The data is collected to explore the microwave spectroscopy of the rf dressed hyperfine ... -
Data for "Mammalian behvior and physiology converge to confirm sharper cochlear tuning in humans"
(The University of Nottingham, 2018)These are the data for the paper entitled "Mammalian behavior and physiology confirm to confirm sharper cochlear tuning in humans" -
Data for "The dependence of wear rate on wear scar size in fretting: the role of debris (third body) expulsion from the contact"
(The University of Nottingham, 2018-12-21)Summary data relating to fretting wear volumes etc. -
Data for 'Man’s Best Friends: Attitudes Towards the Use of Different Kinds of Animal Depend on Belief in Different Species’ Mental Capacities and Purpose of Use'
(University of Notttingham, 2020-02-26)SPSS file of the data described in the publication. Should be self-explanatory but please feel free to contact the lead or corresponding author in case of any query -; -
Data for ABC
(The University of Nottingham, 2021-08-24)Coordinate data used to demonstrate Analysis of Brain Coordinates -
Data for Coordinate Density Analysis
(The University of Nottingham, 2021-02-04)Coordinate files used in the Coordinate Density Data -
Data for Discovery of synergistic material-topography combinations to achieve immunomodulatory osteoinductive biomaterials using a novel in vitro screening method: The ChemoTopoChip
(The University of Nottingham, 2020-09-18)Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are widely represented in regenerative medicine clinical strategies due to their compatibility with autologous implantation. Effective bone regeneration involves crosstalk between ... -
Data for paper - Multi-timescale analysis of a metabolic network in synthetic biology: a kinetic model for 3-hydroxypropionic acid production via beta-alanine
(The University of Nottingham, 2017-11-21)This file provides the data for the figures in the paper 'Multi-timescale analysis of a metabolic network in synthetic biology: a kinetic model for 3-hydroxypropionic acid production via beta-alanine', published in the ... -
Data for paper, Upscaling diffusion through first-order volumetric sinks: a homogenization of bacterial nutrient uptake
(The University of Nottingham, 2018-03-12)Data for the SIAP paper "Upscaling diffusion through first-order volumetric sinks: a homogenization of bacterial nutrient uptake". -
Data for paper: Dispersive detection of radio-frequency dressed states, arxiv:1801.07016
(The University of Nottingham, 2018-04-09)We introduce a method to dispersively detect alkali atoms in radio-frequency dressed states. In particular, we use dressed detection to measure populations and population differences of atoms prepared in their clock states. ... -
Data for paper: Mathematical modelling of chemical agent removal by reaction with an immiscible cleanser
(The University of Nottingham, 2017-09-04)This file provides the data for the figures in the paper 'Mathematical modelling of chemical agent removal by reaction with an immiscible cleanser', published in the SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, accepted on 31 August 2017. -
Data for paper: The effect of weak inertia in rotating high-aspect-ratio vessel bioreactors
(The University of Nottingham, 2017-11-07)This file provides the data for the figures in the paper 'The effect of weak inertia in rotating high-aspect-ratio vessel bioreactors', published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics accepted on 14 September 2017. -
Data for surface-controlled spatially heterogeneous physical properties of a supramolecular gel with homogeneous chemical composition
(University of Nottingham, 2021-10-15)Data related to the research article entitled 'Surface-controlled spatially heterogeneous physical properties of a supramolecular gel with homogeneous chemical composition '. -
Data for: Residual polymer stabiliser causes anisotropic conductivity in metal nanoparticle 2D and 3D printed electronics
(The University of Nottingham, 2020-10-30)Experimental data for manuscript "Residual polymer stabiliser causes anisotropic conductivity in metal nanoparticle 2D and 3D printed electronics". Contents: - Raw and exported ToF-SIMS and orbiSIMS data (.itmx and ... -
Data from "What can I say?: effects of discoverability in VUIs on task performance and user experience"
(The University of Nottingham, 2020-06-19)This is the data that was used to support the CUI 2020 publication "What Can I Say? Effects of Discoverability in VUIs on Task Performance and User Experience": Philipp Kirschthaler, Martin Porcheron, and Joel E Fischer. ... -
Dataset for quantifying aerosol and droplet generation during upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy: whole procedure and event-based analysis (SAVE study)
(The University of Nottingham, 2021-04-23)Dataset for the aerosol measurement study during upper and lower GI endoscopies. Contains raw data from two instruments as well as annotated events with timings. -
De Gaulle's Republic 1958 - 1969
This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught in Spring Semester 2010, This module examines the founding first decade of the Fifth Republic by focusing principally, though ...