Now showing items 135-154 of 1246

    • Fasted state gastric antral motility MRI and manometry AUC anonimyzed data sets 

      Marciani, Luca (The University of Nottingham, 2020-08-13)
      The Excel sheet deposited contains the anonymized individual data (n=421) and the time course data for the fasted state gastric antral motility study, comparing directly concomitant MRI and manometry techniques in healthy ...
    • Fictionalised politics: how politics and politicians are represented in the US and the UK 

      Fielding, Steven
      This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught Autumn Semester 2010/2011. This module assesses changing attitudes to representative politics in the US and UK, specifically ...
    • Film in history/history in film 

      Baron, Nick
      This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught in Autumn Semester 2009 This module explores the inter-relations and interactions of film and history in 20th century Europe and ...
    • Financial economics 

      Bougheas, Spiros
      As taught Spring 2011 ‘Financial Economics’ Module Guide Module Code: L14048 Total Credits: 15 Offering School: Economics Suitable for study at: postgraduate Level The content presented here provides information for ...
    • Flu pandemic : how prepared are we? 

      Dingwall, Robert W.J.
      In this podcast Professor Robert Dingwall, Director of the 'Institute of Science and Society' at the University of Nottingham, and a member of the UK government’s Department of Heath committee on the ethical aspects ...
    • Fluorescence and electroluminescence of J-aggregated polythiophene monolayers on hexagonal boron nitride 

      Beton, Peter; Kerfoot, James (The University of Nottingham, 2020-09-15)
      The photophysics of a semiconducting polymer is manipulated through molecular self-assembly on an insulating surface. Adsorption of polythiophene (PT) monolayers on hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) leads to a structurally-induced ...
    • Force field parameter sets for 16 tetrahydroquinoline ligands 

      Hirst, Jonathan; Rogers, David; Guest, Ellen; Fernandes da Silva Filho, Arnaldo; Falcone Pin, Bruno (The University of Nottingham, 2022-03-08)
      Force field parameter sets for free energy perturbation calculations of tetrahydroquinolines complexed to the first bromodomain of BRD4.
    • Foundations for politics 

      Cowley, Philip J.
      This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught Autumn Semester 2010/2011. This module introduces students to the intellectual and practical skills they will need for the ...
    • Foundations in evidence based practice 

      University of Nottingham. School of Nursing Midwifery and Physiotherapy
      This is a module framework. It can be viewed online for downloaded as a zip file. As taught in Spring Semester 2010. This module is taught on the Diploma/BSc in Nursing and covers an introduction to evidence-based ...
    • Foundations of health and illness 

      Aubeeluck, Aimee
      The content presented here provides module information, teaching materials and assessment details for module B74GS1 ‘Foundations of Health and Illness’. This module is offered as part of the Post Graduate Diploma in Nursing ...
    • French year 1 semester A 

      Unknown author
      This module is aimed at 1st year students in semester A and addresses common grammatical problems areas.
    • From competition to facilitation: temporal contiguity determines interactions between events in human Action-Outcome performance 

      Urcelay, Gonzalo (The University of Nottingham, 2021-09-17)
      Three experiments (n=81, n=81, n=82 respectively) explored how temporal contiguity influences Action-Outcome learning, assessing whether an intervening signal competed, facilitated, or had no effect on performance and ...
    • Functional analysis 

      Feinstein, Joel
      As taught in 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. Functional analysis begins with a marriage of linear algebra and metric topology. These work together in a highly effective way to elucidate problems arising from differential ...
    • Functional analysis 2010 

      Feinstein, Joel
      This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught Autumn semester 2010. Functional analysis begins with a marriage of linear algebra and metric topology. These work together ...
    • Functional characterization of DEEPGENES to enhance deeper rooting in cereal crops 

      Riccardo, Fusi (The university of Nottingham, 2022-02-24)
      Global food security and climate change represent major challenges faced by humankind during this century. Developing deeper rooting, more resource efficient crops represents an attractive solution to increase crop production ...
    • Fungal biofilm formation on potential anti-attachment materials 

      Vallieres, Cindy; Alexander, Morgan R.; Avery, Simon V. (The University of Nottingham, 2020-06-02)
      (Meth)acrylate polymers showing the lowest fungal attachment (from a preceding microarray-spot screen) were assayed by scale-up to coat the 6.4-mm diameter wells of 96-well plates. Polymers showing surface cracking were ...
    • The future of factory cleaning: responsible cleaning data collection and use framework 

      Porcheron, Martin; Watson, Nicholas; Fischer, Joel E.; Reeves, Stuart (The University of Nottingham, 2020-05-27)
      This report introduces the future technologies that are expected to fundamentally reshape the work of cleaning food and drink factories, focusing on the possibilities for data collection and use that these technologies ...
    • The future of manufacturing: utopia or dystopia? 

      Wilson, Max; Lawson, Glyn; Argyle, Elizabeth M.; Duvnjak, Joshua; Marinescu, Adrian; Hubbard, Ella-Mae; Justham, Laura (University of Nottingham, 2022-03-09)
      Utopic and Dystopic videos of the vision of what the future of Digital Manufacturing Technologies might look like. These videos were used for a research study presented in the paper: The Future of Manufacturing: Utopia ...
    • Gene-gene relationships in an Escherichia coli pangenome are linked to function and mobility 

      McInerney, James (The University of nottingham, 2021-03-25)
      Datasets for an analysis of the pangenome of Escherichia coli
    • Genocide and public health 

      Awad, Makarious
      This e-learning package has been developed by Makarious Awad as part of his B.Med.Sci. project that was conducted in the Division of Public Health and Epidemiology in the University of Nottingham. This project was supervised ...